Driving Test Mark Sheet Explained

By Lewis on 23rd March 2016 - View Comments

So your taking your driving test and understandably your a little worried, but don’t fret we’re here to help.

Regardless of a pass or fail at the end of your practical test the driving examiner will deliver you your result, they will then ask if you’d like to hear why you passed or failed.

In this blog we will discuss and explain what each section means and give you some typical examples of faults that occur in these areas.

Firstly it is important to understand that you cannot accrue more than 15 driver faults, these are called minors. If you obtain either a single serious or dangerous fault, otherwise known as majors, you will fail.

You will be asked to complete one manoeuvre, possibly including the controlled stop and two show me/tell me questions. The idea is to keep the sheet as clean as possible.

So let’s being, below is a picture of the most up to date marking sheet, the DL25A.


At the top of the sheet come your personal and instructors details, this is just for administration purposes. It is worth bearing in mind this test sheet is used for multiple test types so some sections won’t be applicable to the learner test.

Moving down to 1a, this is your eyesight check. You will be asked to read a number plate at a distance of 21 metres, if you can your test will go ahead.

Numbers 2-10 are manoeuvres, the examiners are looking primarily of good control and observation throughout the exercise. If you manage this you will be accurate and will in turn avoid touching kerbs and keeping inside the white lines.

Numbers 12-15 are related to basic car controls. The examiner is looking for smooth and correct gear changes, full observational checks before moving off, utilisation of mirrors when signalling and changing direction and also effective signal timing and use.

Number 16 is about giving other vehicles enough space when passing, for example moving around a parked car.

Number 17 is all about how you react and respond to other road users and road markings. For example have you realised the road is merging, is the other vehicle allowing you to make progress, have you seen the lights changing to red.

Number 18 is fairly self explanatory, have you been speeding. You may get away with 31,32 in a 30 but 33+ will star to accrue minor faults and eventually serious/dangerous marks.

Number 19, have you given appropriate space to the vehicle ahead, remember only a fool breaks the two second rule, think about wet and icy conditions too.

Number 20, this is about progress. Have you made suitable progress where appropriate or have you sat back and waited excessively when it was actually clear to go.

Number 21-23 relates to positioning and junctions and your ability to work them correctly. Have you checked fully, have you realised if it’s open or closed, was the speed of approach appropriate for the conditions etc…

Number 24 is about pedestrian crossings. Is the crossing clear, have you slowed down enough on approach or have you started to move off too early or even not moving off at all when it’s clear and safe to do so.

Number 25 is the position you have chosen to stop when parking, is it blocking a drive, on a bend or brow of a hill and 26 determines if you have been forward planning throughout your drive. You don’t want to be making last minute decisions, instead you want to be reading the road well ahead.

Number 27 is about the other car controls. This includes things like the lights, wipers and de-mister controls. You will be expected to operate all the cars controls effectively throughout the drive, if you need to, find a suitable place to pull over and amend any controls as necessary.

Finally ETA stands for Examiner Taken Action, this can be Verbal or Physical. For example have they told you to slow down or stop or have the had to move the steering wheel to prevent you from hitting another vehicle.

We hope this gives you a little bit more of an insight into the driving test and what the examiners are looking for. Feel free to download a copy to practice with and if you have any further questions ask your instructor.

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