Surprise! It’s Pat WrightStart. I know I was supposed to only be away for a week, but I enjoyed myself so much (ha ha) that I was given extra time off so my “boys” could entertain you with their tales.
They have both been really busy with lessons, tests, fleet driver training (nearly finished), track day learning – that’s Lewis’ baby and I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it in a future blog and of course their trip to the Isle of Man for the TT races.
What about me – well the week they were away was lovely and sunny and of course peaceful – no talk of lessons, tests, which route to use etc and more importantly, I got the remote control for the tv all to myself and I spring cleaned the house which stayed clean and tidy until 10 minutes after they’d returned and then it was a bomb site but it was good to have them all back safe and sound.
One particular thing they have been doing is road safety presentations in various schools in Derby. This involves a 20-30 minute presentation with details on how to keep safe on the road, accident statistics etc but it also highlights the dangers of using mobile phones and other distractions that occur and there is also a game to test your skill and they also give you a quick guided tour of our website and if you’re lucky, you may even get some freebies – so keep a look out they may be at a school near you.
So until next time, don’t forget #startWrightStart.