Wow, what a quick year 2016 was, it flew by before we even knew it had started and 2017 is already shaping up to be a quick one to. In 2016 we conducted over 50 tests at WrightStart and we already have 20 tests booked this January alone, crazy. Enquiries were also up nearly 20% in 2016 compared to the previous year so it’s looking busy if growth is to continue in that fashion!
2016 took us in many different directions and seemed to finish before it felt like it had started, I’m sure it felt like that for you to. I’m sure 2017 will have different challenges ahead and some interesting things to come, in fact I’m writing another proposal as I right this but I’ll keep that to myself for now.
So what are our plans and aspirations for this year?
Well, trying to top a previously successful year is always hard to do. How do you improve, how do you get bigger and better, what new ideas do you bring to the table. More importantly, how does WrightStart remain Derby’s unique driving school…
Well, we have two plans this year, one for each business…
- WrightStart Driving School – This year we have introduced a new post test training scheme, which is completely free of charge to pupils who learn to drive with WrightStart. Pupils who have regular lessons with us and learn to drive the Wright way will receive a complimentary motorway session upon passing their driving test. The sessions will take place in the pupils own or parents vehicle (when they have one) and will include motorway training along with other high level driving skills. The idea is to introduce the pupil to roads they haven’t previous been able to experience due to licence restrictions and to give a few pointers in order to help keep the pupil on the right track. This will be a great way to touch base with the young driver and transfer unpractised skills.
- WrightStart Experiences – Our Pre-17 Driving Experiences are entering into a 3rd year and are becoming more successful with each season. To keep things fresh, fun, exciting and rewarding we have introduced 2 great add-ons this year:
- Firstly our new rewards scheme. Each Pre-17 driver will receive their very own driving card, this enables them to collect driving stamps, once you collect 5 stamps, you will get your 6th drive for free!
- Second is our referral scheme, each Pre-17 driver that refers a friend to use for a driving experience will get an extra 10 minutes drive time themselves on their next visit, its a great way to say thank you for sending us more customers.
So they’re our upcoming 2017 plans in a nutshell, what do you think?
We hope you like our new innovative ideas and we look forward to teaching you to drive sometime soon.